L79 Welcome Brew.

Legacy79 brew is a self-promotional piece for an award-winning branding agency headquartered in San Antonio, Texas.

Self-Promotional  |  Packaging  |  Illustration  |  Art Direction

Graphis Design Annual 2023 • Silver Award
Graphis Packaging 10 • Honorable Mention

Design Objective

The project aimed to develop a memorable self-promotional piece for corporation leadership relocating to San Antonio, Texas. Introducing our city, culture, and Legacy79 team members was a priority. This piece had to spark a conversation with the corporation’s leadership while presenting Legacy79’s design skills.

Design Approach
The creative way to say welcome.

This promotional piece includes a six-pack of beers designed to welcome and educate the leadership of corporations new to San Antonio. Each beer highlights a San Antonio landmark, a tradition, while introducing a Legacy79 team member.

l79 beer completeset
two beers cheering
L79 six pack
six pack carrier of L79 beer
Close up of L79 beer
The hallmark of innovation is surprise. No surprise, nothing new. Nothing new, no interest. No interest, no value. Therefore, creating surprise is a crucial step in creating value through innovation.
Marty Neumeier • author and brand strategist.