
Tacos, apetizers, and art under the same roof—Tacoart. Colorful food with strong roots to the original Mexican cuisine.

Advertising | Branding | Identity | Collateral | Environmental Graphic Design

Graphis Design Annual 2018  •  Honorable Mention  |  Logo

Design Objective
Artful and flavorful apetizers.

The project aimed to design an identity and branding for Tacoart, a restaurant with a unique business model and vision. Tacoart served tacos and appetizers with strong roots in the original Mexican cuisine, promoting local fine artists while serving delicious tacos and appetizers. Thus, Tacoart was a restaurant and art gallery.

Design Approach
Mexican folk art and cuisine.

By incorporating the Mexican folk art style, the Tacoart brand portrayed the businesses original Mexican cuisine roots. The Tacoart identity was very well received. Furthermore, the brandmark reproduced efficiently throughout all brand applications. Additionally, a cohesive corporate identity system was developed, an array of marketing materials, advertising, and environmental graphics.

tacoart interior
Tacoart logo
Tacoart pattern
tacoart posters
Tacoart tacos
Tacoart uniform
Tacoart facade
Tacoart tacos
tacoart menu
Tacoart to-go bags
Tacoart topstands