Genaro Solis Rivero

Writing a letter. Is it a lost skill? OLD
Writing a letter. Is it a lost skill or not? The first time I heard about the components of a letter was in typing class back in 1987. For the record, I learned how to type on those big, really...
What is a concept? OLD
A concept is generally defined as an idea, abstract thought, or plan. But in Communication Design a concept is more than that. To better understand its definition, the parts need to be identified first. These two essential components are the...
Identity Design, the 50/50 Methodology.OLD
The identity design methodology I always try to follow—and am currently teaching at Texas State University—begins by understanding the brand’s messaging strategy, researching the client’s industry and competition, then presenting a conceptually driven solution.
Basic Typesetting OLD
The aim of typography must not be expression, least of all self-expression,but perfect communication achieved by skill. Jan Tschichold Basic typesetting tips. It’s never too early to talk to your child about typography. Ellen lupton Why is typesetting a big...
San Antonio Addys 2021
The Good, The Best, and The Awesome! This year, Texas State ComDes students not only took home 13 Addys in addition to some Special Awards. Additionally and for the third time in a row, the coveted Best of Show Addy...
Graphis New Talent 2021
My dear Texas State ComDes students did it again! In addition to getting more adjudications than last year, Mikayla Stump’s Detroit City logo was adjudicated a GRAPHIS PLATINUM AWARD! She developed this logo for her ARTC 3304, Branding Systems course...
LogoLounge 12 OLD
Back in August 2020 while the world was upside down in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, I received an e-mail from Emily Potts—the writing partner of the LogoLounge 12 book—asking me to respond to six questions. “We’d like to...
The Middle of the Storm
Social injustice, health uncertainty, financial crisis, job insecurity, and fear are just a few of the recent events we live in around the globe. Today, the graphic design industry got inspiring news in the middle of the storm. Graphis announced...
Goodbye Spring 2020
In the middle of uncertainty and a world up-side-down by this horrible virus, my ComDes students finished strong. My two Trademark Design classes worked extremely hard throughout the semester, but what really got my attention, was their tremendous effort and...
Graphis New Talent 2020
“Winning awards means it’s no longer your instructors, friends, or parents saying your work is good. It’s the professionals saying that your work is good.” Mel White • The Newhouse school For over 80 years, Graphis has been one of...