In the middle of uncertainty and a world up-side-down by this horrible virus, my ComDes students finished strong. My two Trademark Design classes worked extremely hard throughout the semester, but what really got my attention, was their tremendous effort and outstanding dedication to submit their work to the renown LogoLounge competition. Additionally, several students submitted to Communication Arts, another outstanding international design competition. I can’t wait to learn about their results.

My Branding class came up with awesome branding projects and even though we were not able to meet in person, my students showed a great sense of responsibility and their outcome was also amazing. But more importantly, they want to keep expanding their projects during the summer break. This is great because at least half of them will be graduating next semester.

Next, my graduating seniors. Exit Review is always a bittersweet moment and this year is not different from past graduations. Their work is fantastic and they are ready to fly. Some of them will remain in Texas while others will move somewhere else, but whatever their next move is, they will always be part of the great Texas State ComDes family.
Check-out their portfolios at our ComDes exit review site.
I began teaching in Fall 2018 and this semester I had to say goodbye to my remaining first-time students. One cycle is complete in my short teaching career. The sad part is that I did not get the chance to wish them well in person. Nor, I did get the opportunity to jump into the San Marcos River with my graduating seniors—an awesome tradition at Texas State.
The last time I saw them was through a cold lifeless computer screen. Until we meet again, Well-done Seniors and goodbye Spring 2020!