Graphis New Talent 2020

“Winning awards means it’s no longer your instructors, friends, or parents saying your work is good. It’s the professionals saying that your work is good.”

Mel White • The Newhouse school

For over 80 years, Graphis has been one of the most coveted international design competitions for professionals and students in Design, Advertising, Photography, and Illustration. As a student, my ultimate goal was to get my student work published in Graphis. It ultimately happened in 2010 while studying my MFA at Texas State University. I received two Graphis Gold Awards for one poster and one trademark.

Today I received a copy of the Graphis New Talent 2020 in the mail and—for a brief moment—totally forgot about the current unsettled circumstances in the world. An amazing collection of 165 adjudicated pieces from the Communication Design students at Texas State made it into this year’s prestigious publication. You may see the complete collection of student adjudications at TOP COM DES.

Graphis New Talent 2020 adjudications:

  • 12 Golds
  • 53 Silvers
  • 100 Honorable Mentions

I am so proud and honored to share the hallways of the JCM building with my students, colleagues, mentors, and friends. Go Bobcats!

Teaching what I love and loving what I teach.

logan brannen • branding systems
GRAPHIS new talent annual 2020
<- jennifer garza • trademark design
<- abigail teets, erin ckodre, tracy hang, luis salas, vianney garcia • trademark design