LogoLounge 12 OLD

Back in August 2020 while the world was upside down in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, I received an e-mail from Emily Potts—the writing partner of the LogoLounge 12 book—asking me to respond to six questions.

“We’d like to include a little write-up about your program since so many of your students’ work is included in this edition.” Emily wrote. After reading her e-mail several times—still in shock—I began to respond.

It was not until few months later that I got to see the printed version of LogoLounge 12 for the first time. I knew my students, my friend Juan at Legacy79, and I got some work published and of course I could not wait to read the write-up Emily Potts and Bill Gardner included in this publication.

We’d like to include a little write-up about your program since so many of your students’ work is included in this edition.

Emily Pott • logolounge book 12 co-author

For years, LogoLounge has been the best source for logo design inspiration and aspiration. In 2010 while studying my MFA, I got my first logo published in LogoLounge and I still remember the joy and excitement of seeing my work published for the first time in a leading design publication.

Ten years later, the joy is a little bit different; now, I get the opportunity to share the same excitement with my students. I am thankful to LogoLounge, their editors, and authors for this great opportunity and of course to my students for all their dedication, hard work, and perseverance. Congratulations ComDes Bobcats for this incredible showcase of your work!
